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Level 4

merge module multilanguage

i have a Problem with multilanguage merge modules

i builded a merge module with german as default language and english as 2. option.

I only translated the texts and did nothing else (:) I hoped this was all i need to do).

In my Installation I get the german texts even if i select english as installation language.

Do i have to pass the laguage to the merge module?
How is this working?
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(3) Replies
Level 12

IS2008 Premier Edition does not support creation of multi-lingual merge modules. That's what I found from empirical data, and confirmed after I filed a support incident earlier this year.

I don't have their email (for WO#) with me. I have to dig it up from my email archives from my previous job.
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Level 4

I changed something and now i get an other error,

First i only selected the 2. language in the project properties, now i set the language in the merge module settings to language independent, which should fix the problem i hoped.

The merge Module is still just builded in one Language and not Languageindipendent.

In the main installer i now get the following error : ISDEV : error -4075
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Level 3

Not being able to make multi-language merge modules is a known bug, in their database as IOC-000054432.

We raised this one in October 2006, so I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for a fix.
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