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Level 3

manage product version in Installshield Limited Edition with msbuild


I have a setup project created with Installshield Limited Edition 2013 from Visual Studio 2012 IDE. I could specify the product version though the Visual Studio IDE. Now i have a requirement of automating the build and managing the version during the build. For automation, i am using a batch file and invoking solution file with msbuild as follows:

set COMPILER=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe
%COMPILER% TestInstall.sln /t:ReBuild /p:Configuration=SingleImage /p:ProductVersion=100.1.1

As mentioned in one of the Installshield help file, i gave the parameter for ProductVersion too. But it is not working. The built setup.exe is having some other version than specified above. Please let us know your ideas.

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(2) Replies
Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran

Hi Prasanth,

Try passing in InstallShieldProductVersion rather than ProductVersion.
0 Kudos
Level 3

Hi kyi,

The method which you suggested worked. Thanks!. Also it is very light weight solution. Thanks!

I had also found another way to achieve this which i am just sharing here:

1. Pass a parameter (NewVer) and value (version string ) to msbuild.exe
2. Override the ProductVersion in *.isproj file with this passed value of the property. Please refer below:

Under add the below thing in isproj file.


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