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Level 2

<SRCDIR> not working in Registry Entry

I am using and Installscript project. i need to put entries into the users registry with a reference to the . (a client install if you will) after testing it on our local network pc's, we sent out 10 CDs with the new clientinstalls. 1 of the clients pcs worked as expected the other 9 set the SRCDIR to 'c:\documents and settings\{username}\temp\......\'.
so i sent over a modified version of the installscript that would display for me on the screen the value of SRCDIR at the begin, before move, after move and on end. the SRCDIR was correct based upon the display box. but then after installation the PC's Registry had the wrong value still.
Client PC's were all Windows XP Sp3.
Then our management got involved so i had to prove to them that it was working correctly on our local pc's(XP's & Vista's). worked as expected.
So what am i missing.
Installshield 2009 all updates in place.
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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

I've tried to reproduce this behavior in a few environments (installing from local, network, or CD) and I haven't seen this issue (except if I was installing with a compressed setup.exe, in which case SRCDIR would be expected to point to a temp folder path; SRCDIR is initialized to the path containing the setup.inx or data1.* files).

You may try creating an InstallScript trace log as this might provide us with some indication of what could be changing SRCDIR.
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