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Level 4

installing Register files for 64 bit machine

Im having a problem when trying to install a registery files on 64bit windows 2003 machine. When I import the .reg files through installshild it shows that is going to be registered under the right path. The following image shows the path when importing the reg file:

However when I take the msi file after building the project and run it on the windows 2003 64 bit machine it installs under "Wow6432node" as specified in the following image:

I noticed that only happen when the command regedit.exe under winnt\sysWow64 gets executed for the registry. Is there any way I can avoid this situation and have the regsitry file registerd the correct way??
I appreciate your help
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(4) Replies
Level 7

The registry on the 64 bit OS is different. You'll probably need to create a different reg file for use on 64-bit machines, and then use build flags to build 2 installers that use the appropriate reg files.
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Level 17

Do you set "Yes" to the 64-Bit Component property for the component(s) associated with the registry entries?
0 Kudos
Level 7

Yeah, I do believe you have to, but you might want to look up that option in the help to be sure. I haven't had to play around with 64-bit installers. Not since the folks at my last job decided they gained no advantage by going 64 bit and went with 32-bit versions only....
0 Kudos
Level 4

Thanks Guys,
This problem was solved by setting the boolean propertry "64-bit Compoenet" to true.

Thanks for all your help
Samer Saleh
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