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Level 6

[INSTALLDIR] points me wrong !


I have a problem during install. The [INSTALLDIR] is given manualli from a line edit, and should be available for change. If it's let in the default state

c:\Program Files\Software_Name

all works well, but when the end user changes it (e.g. d:\program files\Software_name), the installation process puts some files at the new location, but many other in the default one.

Checking the logs, seems that [INSTALLDIR] has the correct (new user input) value, but I can't seem to figure out why so many files are putted to the old path.

The "Direct Editor -> Directory" show [INSTALLDIR] as parent to folders to install, but don't place them in the right place 😞

Is the anyone that has an idea on what I am missing?

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Level 7

danieluc wrote:

I have a problem during install. The [INSTALLDIR] is given manualli from a line edit, and should be available for change. If it's let in the default state

c:\Program Files\Software_Name

all works well, but when the end user changes it (e.g. d:\program files\Software_name), the installation process puts some files at the new location, but many other in the default one.

Checking the logs, seems that [INSTALLDIR] has the correct (new user input) value, but I can't seem to figure out why so many files are putted to the old path.

The "Direct Editor -> Directory" show [INSTALLDIR] as parent to folders to install, but don't place them in the right place 😞

Is the anyone that has an idea on what I am missing?


Are you using INSTALLDIR in custom actions or something to set the path of some of these files?

Describe a bit more about how you're using INSTALLDIR in your setup, the reason I'm asking is that I had an issue at some point in the past where the value of properties was being resolved and cached before the value was changed by the using in a dialog box, perhaps something similar is happening in this case.
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Level 6

Thanx for the reply alegerlotz,

Looked in all my custom actions, and none seem to alter the [INSTALLDIR] variable. Got my eyes over another post though that seem to have exactly the same behavior:

but I don't see the solution. None seem to work for me 😞
Any idea ?

0 Kudos
Level 6

I've manage to solve my problem.
The idea was to Call SetTargetPath with the [INSTALLDIR] argument in the behavior of the next button on that dialog.
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