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Level 2

how to fix this, please help...

I'm using InstallShield 2010 Premier
when I created installer, I got error messages:

ISDEV : warning -6244: One or more of the project's components contain .NET properties that require the .NET Framework. However, the .NET Framework cannot be detected. It can be installed by running the InstallShield .NET Update available for download from
Merging modules...

ISDEV : error -4075: File not found. An error occurred merging Module '_VC_System_CRT_IO.00E2193E_5361_11D3_A51F_00A0C9231BA1:0' for Feature 'AlwaysInstall'.

how can I fix it?
thanks for the help


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Level 5

To me it seems
The warning and error are not related to each other.

For the warning,
1. If your component/files does not require .NET you can mark ( .NET scan on build as None at component properties).
or 2. If require, you can safely ignore the warning but user machine where the installer run, .NET should be already installed.

The error is because during run time may be the merge module is not present at that location.
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Level 12

It is a build error, not an installation runtime error. If you have Visual Studio installed somewhere, you can copy the merge modules (path on 32-bit OS, C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules) to the machine with InstallShield 2011 installed. Or you can see if you can find it here.
yulian wrote:
ISDEV : error -4075: File not found. An error occurred merging Module '_VC_System_CRT_IO.00E2193E_5361_11D3_A51F_00A0C9231BA1:0' for Feature 'AlwaysInstall'.
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