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Level 2

how can i install diffrent softwars useing installShield

To run my project i need some .exe (like Java,tomcat,Mysql,.....)files should be installed in my PC
i want to provide all those softwares in one place using installShield. so that the user can install what ever the software he want useing installshield...

pl z Give some guide lines to do this process. Thanks

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(2) Replies
Flexera Alumni

What type of project are you using? If it's an MSI project, you might look into creating "setup prerequisites" for the external installers; your setup.exe will launch the external installers if they are not present on a user's system.

(I think InstallShield 2008 has some predefined Java prerequisites.)
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Level 2

i open prerequisite from "tools --> prerequisite Editor" menu.
end edit myprerequisite with 3party .exe wich i want to run after/before my installation complete, i add special command for this .exe and save the new seting.

now i build my setup and run it on another computer and the .exe not run.
how can i tell my installation (script) to get my prerequisite?
can i use prerequisite to distribute dot net/win istaller engine ?
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