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Level 2

help setup is not a valid win 32 application

ok i did my build and it comes up at the end with this file is not a valid win 32 application 😞 image in attachments

the setup type is installshild script

thank you in advance
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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

What is the actual size of this executable? Based on the screenshot the file size listed at the bottom of the Explorer window shows 4.00GB. Note that Windows will not load an executable that exceeds (2^32) -1 byte (which is 4,294,967,295 total bytes) and will consider it invalid. This is a limitation imposed by the memory mapping functions that are responsible for loading executable files both on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms (the Portable Executable format Windows supports is likely the reason for this limitation as the format only supports 32-bit file relative offsets).

The only way around this issue, if a compressed setup.exe is needed, is to reduce the size of the setup until it is less than the size mentioned above.

(For anyone interested, the internal Windows kernel function MiCreateImageFileMap in ntoskrnl.exe is responsible for checking the size of an executable image before loading it.)
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