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Level 6

external executable argument

I am trying to pass an argument to an external exectable as follows...

/path "$N($P(absoluteInstallLocation),/)"

But the quotes are being stripped off.

I have tried double quotes, and escaping the quotes \" and single quote then double quote.

Any ideas as to why this will not work?

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Level 6

Techie42 wrote:
I am trying to pass an argument to an external exectable as follows...

/path "$N($P(absoluteInstallLocation),/)"

But the quotes are being stripped off.

I have tried double quotes, and escaping the quotes \" and single quote then double quote.

Any ideas as to why this will not work?

Never mind. My bad.

/Path and "$N($P(absoluteInstallLocation),/)" had to be listed as two diffenet arguments.

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