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Level 6

check if 64 bit - install different supportive software if yes

If I wanted to check the "bit amount" on an operating system and launch the install of another program, which differs based on whether the os is 32 or 64, would this require a custom action?

If it would require a custom action, what are the pertinent commands to checking the operating system bit amount? If not, where would I set this without a custom action?
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(2) Replies
Level 6

austin2359 wrote:
If I wanted to check the "bit amount" on an operating system and launch the install of another program, which differs based on whether the os is 32 or 64, would this require a custom action?

If it would require a custom action, what are the pertinent commands to checking the operating system bit amount? If not, where would I set this without a custom action?

Never mind. I see this can be done in the prerequisite editor. If anyone else is wondering.
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Level 3

Let me know if you get it to work through the pre-reqs; it never works well for me. I usually end up doing a setup.exe that checks for me.
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