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Level 4

XML File changes

When I use "System Configuration\XML File Changes" functionality it modifies my file replacing nodes like this
with this: all throw the file, i.e. even if I don't modify this particular node.

Is there a way to overcome this behavior?
Alternative I guess is to write a little console app and call it in custim action?

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(2) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

If you're willing to try something I've not tested, and can accept a spurious error message in the verbose log file, you could try using a resource editor to replace a string resource on IsXmlCfg.dll (redist\language independent\i386, for MSI projects). The particular string contains some XSL and you should replace it with an empty string. It should then not apply formatting to your XML which won't replace the representation of the empty elements.
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Level 8

I am having the same problem with an xml file.

trying this now,

it does appear to be working when running the installer. However it is still showing the old behavior when I use the Installshield IDE to "test XML file install changes" .

This also seems to be a bit of a heavy handed method of dealing with this issue.

Has anyone found another method of dealing with this problem.
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