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Level 3

Windows Installer 4.5 & Powershell

Hello, this may be an easy question, but I'm trying to install the prerequisites for SQL Server 2008 R2 Express - one of which is Windows Installer 4.5 and 1 is Powershell.

2 questions:
1) I checked the checkboxes for the prerequisites for the Windows Installer 4.5 for each of the operating system version and processor architectures (32-64 bit) How can I tell the installer which one to install at runtime?

2) For Powershell, it's not a prerequisite that can be downloaded, so how would I go about including the Powershell exe associated with the correct operating system version and processor architecture?

I'm using Installshield 2011 Professional.

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(3) Replies
Level 5

Regarding your 1st question, if you are including both 32/64bit pre-reqs for MSI 4.5, then you don't need to do anything special, the conditions are already programmed in so that if you're installing on 32bit, only the 32bit ones will be processed, and if you're on 64-bit, only the 64bit will be processed.

I ended up authoring my own pre-requisites for Powershell.

You should also probably add some script code to your setup for Windows Server 2008, as Powershell has to be added from the Server Manager.
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Level 3

Thanks, so how did you do the prereq. for powershell? Did you do it through a installscript?

0 Kudos
Level 5

I used the Pre-Requisite editor to create a new item, and supplied the necessary conditions (i.e. what file to look for, what exe or msu to execute, what platform, etc).

For Windows Server 2008, Powershell has to be installed via the Add Features applet of Server Manager, so for my project I scripted a test for the file and prompted the user to install PowerShell before proceeding with the rest of the installation.
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