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Level 2

Windows 7 Virtualization - App-V - How to make it work??


I need your help...
if i need to use the program by simulate from Windows 7 client machine, how to make it work?? ......(program is installed on server machine)

as my understanding:
1. I need to compile installation package by using InstallShield 2010,right? that included Microsoft App-V Support...
- How to compile the package for install on server? or compile as normally?

2. should i need to install App-V on server machine? or client?

3. How to connect or simulate to use the program that installed on server already?

4. How to set Windows7 machine for this action? or doesn't need any?

if you have any step that better than above, please give me your infomation.

million thanks for all expert
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(1) Reply
Level 7

I have limited knowledge of app-v at the moment because i've not had a chance to play with it but I do know that it has a server to control the products and it does have a client, which i think is part of the desktop optimization pack... i think.

This is the infrastructure for app-v:

More importantly though is that the app-v support does NOT come as part of Installshield 2010, it is actually a seperate license for the virutalization pack.
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