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Level 5

Where to store temp files which i need during installation

I'm new to installshield, I'm using installshield Msi project.

I have created the custom dialog, which shows two options to the user, so that user can select one option. Then the installer should install the selected driver. the problem is i have two drivers, lets say dirver1 and driver2 which has same file names. if i add the driver files to support files directory, it has 2 copies of same file names and impossible to choose correct file name. In support dir i cannot create directory.

is there any other place i can store the temp files which i need during installation?
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Flexera Alumni


You can use the 'Support Files' view in the InstallShield project. The files under this node will be available during the installation process. You can try putting one under the Disk1 node and leave the other in the Support Files - Language Independent node.

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