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Level 6

Where does Secure and Unsecure Transforms store in the system

Hi All,

In Secure Transforms:
The transform source does not have to be located at the source of the package. When the package is installed or advertised, Windows Installer saves the transforms on the client computer in a cache where the user does not have write access. If the local copy of the transform becomes unavailable Windows Installer can only restore the cache from the source at the specified path.

In Unsecure Transforms:
When the package is installed or advertised, Windows Installer saves the transforms in an unsecured location where the user has write access. If the local copy of the transform becomes unavailable

So my question is:

What is the secured cache location in local system. Where does exactly these secured transforms store.

Similarly where does unsecured transforms store.
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(1) Reply
Level 6

If anyone knows then please let me know where does secure and unsecure transforms stores.
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