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Level 3

Changing values in XML file

I have an app.config file which I need too change some values in.
I have read the section in the helpfile called:
Using InstallScript Text Substitution to Dynamically Modify XML Files
But I cannot get this to work. I created an entry in the string table called:
ID_AUTOMATIC_FLAG and set it to True.

In the XML File Changes view I then go to the element properties advanced tab and try and reference this with , this ends up changing to {ID_STRING50}
In my script I then use
TextSubSetValue(@ID_AUTOMATIC_FLAG, "False", TRUE);

The substitution in my xml file always ends up with something like

I have also tried this syntax
TextSubSetValue(, "False", TRUE);
and this
TextSubSetValue("", "False", TRUE);
but that does not appear to work either

Could someone clarify how this is supposed to work, the main problem appears to be in setting the element content, it does not appear to recognise the string table value, I have tried numerous variations, enclosing it in quaotes, using [] brackets but nothing seems to work.
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(2) Replies
Level 5

You can write install script function to create XML object and update the nodes :

use CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") to create object.

0 Kudos
Level 3

Do I assume that the existing XML File Changes feature does not work. I have tried every combination I can think of without success.
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