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Level 7

What MDAC versions do Windows bring with it?


Our product supports W2K/XP/W2K3/Vista, I would like to know what versions of MDAC are with each of the above OSs?

I searched internet and found that W2K SP4 has MDAC 2.5 with it, but I would like to know other three OSs too.

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Level 7

Thank you for your attention and the links. It covers my questions except Vista - I think it should not bother me for now, we will leave whatever Vista has and use it.

But I am confused by the installation results: I include InstallShield Object for MDAC 2.8 SP1 (listed name in IS IDE 'Objects' as "MDAC (ODBC, OLEDB, ADO, RDS)(2.8 SP1)") in my InstallScript project, in the new version of my product (IS2009 InstallScript), let's call it V2.

We have previous release of the product, let's call it V1. V1 was implemented with IS6.3, and has MDAC 2.6 (InstallShield Object) with it.

1) When I installed V1 on W2K (has MDAC2.5), it will update MDAC to 2.6 and request reboot, which is all right.

2) When I install V2 on W2K (has MDAC2.5), it will update MDAC to 2.8 and request reboot, which is also correct.

3) But when I install V1 on W2k (has MDAC2.5), reboot (now MDAC is 2.6), and then run upgrade with V2, it didn't upgrade MDAC to 2.8 (MDAC remains 2.6) and no reboot is requested. All other upgradings of the product are fine.

I am really confused by 3), because I would expect MDAC upgrading (2.6 to 2.8) in the scenario. Am I correct?

To let you know, V1 installs MDAC 2.6 by executing IS script code to call oObject.Mdac26ObjInstallEx() function. But in V2, I didn't do the similar, because I would like to leave MDAC install to InstallShield.

Another point is that in V1 (IS6.3), MDAC (2.6) install was called as a function, the function is inside the "program .... exit;" process. But in V2, "program ... exit;" was replaced with OnShowUI() call (i.e. the function calls in V1 now are moved to OnShowUI() in V2, except MDAC install was eliminated). I hope that OnShowUI will not cause any problem to InstallShield to upgrade MDAC, but not sure.

Any help is highly appreciated.

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Level 17

If you install the MDAC 2.6 manually (without using IntallShield) and then install V2, is the problem reproducible?
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