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Level 6

How to log failure in Setup Prereqs?

My setup prereq keeps failing and I am wondering if there is a log or a log to turn on to see why my setup prereq is failing.

I keep getting a message box that says my prereq install failed, yet the stuff it was trying to setup is on the machine.
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(5) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Passing /debuglog to setup.exe will create a log that includes further information from prerequisites. It's not the easiest to read, but may shed some light on this. What sort of conditions do you have on the prerequisite in question, and does a manual verification show the conditions as satisfied?
0 Kudos
Level 6

I will try passing the log information, now I just have to try and remember what is the right stuff to pass.

I have two prereqs setup and they are calling a C# exe that I created. The C# exe is wrapping the call to ServerManagerCmd.exe on Windows 2008.

The first prereq runs fine and the C# exe passes back 3010 which I setup as the return command to trigger a restart. The machine reboots and the install restarts prompting for the next prereq which is the setup the same as the 1st prereq. The only difference is that the C# exe does not pass back a 3010 to cause a restart. The prereq finishes and then puts up a dialog saying the prereq failed and do I still want to continue Yes/No. On a manual verify of the machine, the prereq did complete and the settings are set.

The conditionals for both prereqs is: 1) Must be on a 2008 machine and 2) Don't run if a certain regkey is on the machine already.
0 Kudos
Level 6

I put in logging and this is what the logs says:

First prereq that passes:
[CODE]3-23-2009[07:32:52 PM]: CSetupPrerequisite::ExecutePrerequisite
3-23-2009[07:32:52 PM]: PrereqEngine: Data File Location: C:\ISSetupPrerequisites\{WINDOWS2008IISSETUP}
3-23-2009[07:32:52 PM]: Attempting to execute prerequisite: C:\ISSetupPrerequisites\{WINDOWS2008IISSETUP}
3-23-2009[07:32:52 PM]: CSetupPreRequisite::ExecuteGenericPrerequisite
3-23-2009[07:32:52 PM]: PrereqEngine: Launching: C:\ISSetupPrerequisites\{WINDOWS2008IISSETUP}\PrereqWrapper.exe [open] Windows2008IISSetup
3-23-2009[07:32:52 PM]: Creating new process for prerequisite, launching command line C:\ISSetupPrerequisites\{WINDOWS2008IISSETUP}\PrereqWrapper.exe [open] Windows2008IISSetup
3-23-2009[07:34:49 PM]: Prerequisite process exited with return code 3010
3-23-2009[07:34:49 PM]: PrereqEngine: Return Code from EXE: 3010
3-23-2009[07:34:49 PM]: PrereqEngine: Exit Code Match -- Rebooting Now[/CODE]

Second prereq that fails:

[CODE]3-23-2009[07:43:50 PM]: CSetupPrerequisite::ExecutePrerequisite
3-23-2009[07:43:50 PM]: PrereqEngine: Data File Location: C:\ISSetupPrerequisites\{WINDOWS2008IISSETUP2}
3-23-2009[07:43:50 PM]: Attempting to execute prerequisite: C:\ISSetupPrerequisites\{WINDOWS2008IISSETUP2}
3-23-2009[07:43:50 PM]: CSetupPreRequisite::ExecuteGenericPrerequisite
3-23-2009[07:43:50 PM]: PrereqEngine: Launching: C:\ISSetupPrerequisites\{WINDOWS2008IISSETUP2}\PrereqWrapper.exe [open] Windows2008IISSetupPart2
3-23-2009[07:43:50 PM]: Creating new process for prerequisite, launching command line C:\ISSetupPrerequisites\{WINDOWS2008IISSETUP2}\PrereqWrapper.exe [open] Windows2008IISSetupPart2
3-23-2009[07:44:28 PM]: Prerequisite process exited with return code 1234
3-23-2009[07:44:28 PM]: PrereqEngine: Return Code from EXE: 1234
3-23-2009[07:44:28 PM]: PrereqEngine: condition,1,2,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Comsquared\Content Server,,, -- Successful
3-23-2009[07:44:28 PM]: PrereqEngine: operatingsystemcondition,6,0,2,2|3, -- Successful
3-23-2009[07:44:28 PM]: PrereqEngine: file,,\..\PrereqWrapper\PrereqWrapper\bin\Release\PrereqWrapper.exe,,,, -- Successful,
3-23-2009[07:44:28 PM]: PrereqEngine: file,,\PreReq Files\InstallApplicationServerIISAndFeatures.xml,,,, -- Successful,
3-23-2009[07:44:28 PM]: PrereqEngine: execute,PrereqWrapper.exe,Windows2008IISSetupPart2,,3010,, -- Successful
3-23-2009[07:44:28 PM]: PrereqEngine: Id,{WINDOWS2008IISSETUP2},\SetupPrerequisites, -- Successful
3-23-2009[07:44:28 PM]: PrereqEngine: behavior,Optional,,Reboot,2,Failure,
3-23-2009[07:44:28 PM]: PrereqEngine: Lua,
3-23-2009[07:44:28 PM]: PrereqEngine: Hidden,
3-23-2009[07:44:28 PM]: PrereqEngine: MsiProgress,
3-23-2009[07:44:28 PM]: The prerequisite appears to have failed...[/CODE]

The second one shouldn't fail or restart it should just continue on. RETURN CODE of 1234 is what I set as my return code. Is 1234 invalid or something?
0 Kudos
Level 6

I figured out the problem (and learned something new today.) One of the conditions in my Prereq wasn't being fulfilled by the prereq so when it got done with it it failed because the condition wasn't set. Never knew that it had to be fulfilled when the prereq ended.
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Right - prerequisites that have conditions evaluate them before and after install. If the conditions still indicate it needs to be installed, the options on the Behavior tab's first dropdown take control. By default, it's treated as an ask-the-user failure, and other options are available. However, as you indicate, it's best to use conditions which installing the prerequisite will fulfill.
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