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Level 5

Welcome page image


I have changed the big left image on the welcome page and the finish pages. However, when I run the installer, my new image does not get displayed on the welcome page but the old-default images is getting displayed and the new image appears on the Finish page. Any idea why this could be happening? I have checked the Binary direct editor and also updated the images on each page.

Thank you.
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(4) Replies
Level 7

How are you changing the images? If you want to change the left hand side image on all or selected dialogs, it's best to create a skin using skin customization toolkit available free from download link. The new skin should be copied to \Macrovision\InstallShield 2008\Skins folder and selected from the skins sections in the Dialogs view.
0 Kudos
Level 5

I added the image in Direct editor-> Binary, then I went to the Direct editor -> control and added that image to the bitmap. when I view the dialog it shows the changed image but when I run the installer it shows the default image.
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Flexera Alumni

If you haven't yet, perhaps see for example this newsletter tip (PDF warning):
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Level 5

yes that is the page I refered to while changing the bitmaps, it worked for the finish dialogs but not for the welcome dialog.

Also, I was trying to use setcolor to set the dealult background color of all the dialog to white, is there some other function I should be using instead, because SetColor did not work. I put it in the Onbegin function along with DialogSetInfo function.
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