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Level 5

Weird registry entries created by InstallShield

I am seeing this problem ever since I moved my older projects to IS 2008. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

After my application is installed, I see two places where my product GUID code shows up in the registry.

One is found under:
This, I guess, is the usual place.

The other is found under the same hive but looks like this:

The latter is apparently what is used to display entries when you bring up the Add/Remove programs dialog and its causing me lots of problems!

When I try to uninstall my product like so:

msiexec /uninstall {MY_PRODUCT_GUID} /passive /log "mylog.log"

Everything happens smoothly, my product is uninstalled, all the installed files are removed and the **first** registry entry mentioned above is removed. However the **second** entry just stays put.

Because of this the add/remove programs still displays my product in its list. Trying to re-install it on the same machine is now met with that dreaded Modify/Repair dialog.

This problem doesn't happen if I manually go to add/remove programs and uninstall my product from there. its the silent uninstall thats leaving stuff behind.

what am I doing wrong?
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(3) Replies
Flexera Alumni

Right, the uninstall commands are different between Basic MSI and InstallScript MSI projects. Please see, for example, the help topic "Creating Uninstallation Shortcuts for InstallScript and InstallScript MSI Projects".
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Level 5


Thanks for responding. I am going to go read the article you suggested but I am running a little short of time and I am facing a deadline next week. May I ask what the command line would be for silently uninstalling InstallScript projects?

also, the help topic you wanted me to read about -- where is it found?
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Level 5

RobertDickau wrote:
Right, the uninstall commands are different between Basic MSI and InstallScript MSI projects. Please see, for example, the help topic "Creating Uninstallation Shortcuts for InstallScript and InstallScript MSI Projects".

OK.. so I read up some details on this topic. The way it looks like, uninstalling a InstallScript MSI based project is just a question of doing:

c:\program files\InstallShield Installation Information\{MYPRODUCT_GUID}\setup.exe /uninst

If this is correct then does adding a '/s' option cause it to uninstall itself silently?

I could try this but I can't get to work until Tuesday. Would appreciate it if anyone could validate this in the meanwhile.
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