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Level 3

Web Service Extension (CGI) - how to set a dependency

I've created an entry for a custom CGI exe under "Web Service Extensions" and I gave it a Group ID. I want to set a specific virtual directory to be dependent on the WSE but I don't see that ability anywhere.

If I was doing all this in a vbscript, it would be something like:

Dim ObjWebSvc
Set ObjWebSvc = GetObject(SERVICE_PATH)
ObjWebSvc.AddExtensionFile FullPathToExe, 1, MyGroupID, 1, MyExtensionName
ObjWebSvc.AddDependency MyAppName, MyGroupID

Setting the dependency enables the WSE in my virtual directory. Is there a way to do this in the InstallShield IDE? This needs to work in IIS6, 7, and 7.5.
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Level 3

Really! No one has an answer for this?
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