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Level 3

Vista prompting for every prerequisite installation


I use IS 2009 and I have a set of prerequisites setups and msi's. When built in IS 12 the setup runs, asks for elevation and then runs all the prerequisites without any further prompting.
When built on IS 2009 the same setup and the same set of prereqs I get security warning prompt before every setup.exe that needs to run. :confused:
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(4) Replies
Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

This has to do with a change to use ShellExecute instead of CreateProcess, and is being tracked under IOA-000047619. We've got a fix for this that should appear in our next release, and I'll see if I can get a hotfix created for IS2009.
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Level 3

Thank you Michael! I'm sure there are others interested in a fix for this.
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

Got a build hot off the machine. This means it's untested and unofficial and use at your own risk, and all that. Backup and replace the files of the same names as those in the attached zip in \Redist\Language Independent\i386 (prqlaunch.dll is only required for setups using feature prerequisites; the W version of setupPreReq.exe is required for the unicode setup build option, etc.) Let me know if you have any problems.
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Level 3

It worked! Thank you!
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