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Level 3

Vista: getting path

I have a problem during installation: I try to get a path to a net folder, but then I expand network folder in a selectdir dialog I see only my computer.
Other programs haven't problems with network.Also I can see all computers in network folder.
I log in as domain user with administrative privileges on this computer.
The installation are built from InstallScript Project.
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Level 3

Now we add second vista computer in network. It appeares that vista computers are displayed in this dialog.
For example, when I try to save file on network computer in ms paint the network are displayed in two steps :
1.first it shows all vista computers
2.and after a pause it shows all other computers.
I suppose there are some addional network scanning on second step, which are not used then I try to expand network node in a dialog.
Any ideas how to make all computers visible?
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