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Level 10

How to prevent to apply a patch on undesirable versions?


I found this unanswered post in the forum:
BigLolo wrote:
List of versions of my installations:
10.0.0000 (initial version)
10.0.0001 (updated by patch #1)
10.0.0100 (updated by minor update)
10.0.0101 (updated by patch #2)

For the patch #2 in Patch Design, I created an latest setup item from 10.0.0101 with the only previous setup item from 10.0.0100.

I expected that this patch #2 will be applied only if 10.0.0100 version is present on the target PC.

Unfortunately, this patch #2 can be also applied on my 10.0.0000 and 10.0.0001 versions!
Of course, for these versions, some errors occur (error 1328 for each file that were modified during 10.0.0100 version, it is normal).

Did I make a mistake? Where?
How can I prevent the installation of my patch on the wrong versions?

Now I am facing the same problem.

Can you please give a hint or solution?

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(2) Replies
Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

Using the example that you quoted: Make sure that the 10.0.0100 media is used as the previous setup for patch #2 and then set the version relationship to be "Previous Setup Version = Latest Setup Version" (in the Advanced tab of the Previous Setup item). This should prevent install on anything but the 10.0.0100 install.

Try this and see if it works for you, I have had this approach work for me in the past.
(If my reply answers a question you have raised, please click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION".)
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Level 10

Works for me too, thanks.
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