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Vista Registry Permissions

My installer puts some values under a subkey in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software.

It was my understanding that everyone can read HKLM, and with IS2008 running with elevated priviledges, my setup is successfully able to create the subkey and values.

One user reports that one of our applications displays an error message re. "access denied" trying to access our subkey/values. I'm not able to reproduce the problem.

The application is a Sync Service Provider DLL running under Windows Mobile Device Center.

Have others encountered this? What's the best workaround?

I see that IS2008 allows me to specify permissions on registry keys. I imagine I could use this to specify "read only" permission for [%USERDOMAIN]\Users, but I read in another thread that changing the "Lock Permissions Table" is to be avoided.

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dkendall wrote:
The application is a Sync Service Provider DLL running under Windows Mobile Device Center.

The same user reports that another of our applications runs successfully. It needs to access the same registry key/values.

I wonder if WMDC is somehow running with reduced priviledges (in some cases, that is... I'm unable to reproduce the problem)?
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It turns out there was a... ahem... bug in my code. It was attempting to open the HKLM subkey with full access. 😮

Nevertheless, it's worth noting that it succeeded from an application launched from the Start menu (which does not have a manifest), but not from within our WMDC DLL.
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