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Level 2

Virtual Directory wont assign to apppool

Please excuse me I am still learning the software. I recently took over for someone at my work and am running into an issue with a new virtual directory not assigning an appPool. I think I have following the manual correctly. We have 3 previous vdir's that were created in older versions with their own app pools and are working/installing correctly.

Now I am creating another. AppPool4 and NetApp4. I created AppPool4 first named the component AppPool4, filled in the same settings as previous app pools except name and component obviously. Created NetApp4 vdir set it up with the same component as AppPool4 and also tried it with its own. used the same settings as other NetApp vdir's except the app pool association. I assigned AppPool4 on the vdir. Of course with 2010 there is no application name. So when I install everything looks like it is assigned but its not creating the application name. vdir appears under app pool but the vdir is still showing up as a folder. Is there something I am missing? I know the process changed with 2010.
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Level 6

The issue is the difference between IIS 6 and IIS 7.x. There are various ways to approach the issue. In our environment, we are dynamically setting the virtual directory and app pools based on the target machine's OS and bit-version.

Your issue sounds like one where you are fighting with the older model in IIS 6 of WebSite/VirtualDir where the VirtualDir could have Application properties, whereas in IIS 7.x, the model is WebSite/Application/VirtualDir. In the newer model, VirtualDir does not have application properties. These are at the new "Application" level.

A few ideas to try...

1. If you want the older style with the application properties on the virtual directory, you can go to Direct Editor and change the "Type" back to the old style in the ISIISItem table...

Web Service Extension - IIS 6 Type = -2147483643, IIS 7 Type = 5
Application Pool - IIS 6 Type = -2147483644, IIS 7 Type = 4
Website - IIS 6 Type = -2147483647, IIS 7 Type = 1
Application - IIS 6 Type = -2147483646, IIS 7 Type = 2
Virtual Dir. - IIS 6 Type = -2147483645, IIS 7 Type = 3

i.e., when you change the virtual directory Type from 3 to -2147483645, your application properties will be available again in the IDE.

2. You might simply try using an "Application" instead of a Virtual Directory. The Application will act as a virtual directory, allowing you to set the desired properties, and for the most part, will act the same.

3. You can go to the work of running custom actions to interpret the target machine's OS, bit-version, and IIS version and set the virtual directories and app pools dynamically as desired.
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