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Level 4

Version conflict in restarting a setup

Every time I restart my setup.exe whitch I created using Installscript I get the message that there is a version conflict end the setup is aborted.

What do i do wrong, if i wouldt get the maintanance screen to edit, repair of remove I can understand but now i canĀ“t select anything and the installation is aborted.

Better would be not to get any kind of screen or message because it has to be possible to install or product more then once from on the same computer (To install it on diferent places on the network for example)

Anybody Heeeeelp!
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(7) Replies
Level 8

Is this a new project or an upgraded project from an earlier version of InstallShield ?
0 Kudos
Level 4

This is a new project 2009.

I am using a Installshield 11 setup.rul as example but this is more to see how i did things before.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Found it,

As most solutions if you have found them they are simple.

Instalation Information\General Information\Project Properties

i have to change the Maintenance Experience to "Multi-Instance" or "No Uninstal or Maintenance"

Multi-Instance allows the user to install the product over and over agai, but everytime the setups runs their wil be an extra Item in the Add/Remove Programms section.

So if he runs the setup 3 times the software apears also 3 times in the Add/Remove programms section of the control pannel.

This is no problem if the user wants to install the same product into different locations, but in my case he reruns the software because he has a change of license whre he has more or less modulles to be installed.

Uninstalling the software first and then installing it again is no option because the user has probably made changes in some directories he may not loose. Therefore I want to be able to rerun the software.

Multi-Instance in this case is not the best option because there wil apeare another item in the Add/Remove Programms ection, wich in this case I don't want to.

The other option is to use "No Uninstall or Mainentance" this is the one I selected now. Now its also possible to install the software several times but this time their wil apear nothing in the Add/Remove Programms section.

Their wil not apear anything at all, never in that section, that is a small problem, because we cannot use a msi based patch to update the software, but its a minor issue for us we can deploy our patches on another way.

For is is more important that the user can rerun the setup, and that not every run apears in the Add/Remove Programms section.
0 Kudos
Level 8

I suppose that you have a problem with the installed installscript runtime engine on your pc. In earlier versions of installshield you had the option to select dynamic binding or static binding of the engine. With dynamic binding selected, sometimes you can have this problem. Therefore in the current InstallShield versions there is always static binding activated. What you can try is to check which runtime versions you have on your pc and reinstall.

But I'm not sure if this is the reason for your problem.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Hi Markus,

where can I check this.

I use Dynamic Linkjing in the components, but I supose what you mean has nothing to do with that.

Where can I ceck if my runtime uses dynamic or static binding?
0 Kudos
Level 8

Until InstallShield Version 12 in an installscript project, at Project Properties you had the option to define the "engine binding":

Section from IS-Help:

Engine Binding:
.... Select an option for the runtime files that your setup uses. Your setup can use the most recent runtime files that are installed on the system, or it can always use the runtime files with which it was built, even if more recent runtime files are installed on the system by another setup.

After IS-12 you use always static binding, means you use the runtime with which your project is created. But there is one execption: If you upgrade earlier projects:

Section from IS-Help:

An InstallShield Professional 6.x project is opened in InstallShield 20xx with its Engine File Binding property set to Dynamic.

And that's why I asked if you've upgraded the project from an earlier version.

This has nothing to do with "dynamic files" at your components.
0 Kudos
Level 4

Ok thank you
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