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Level 3

Using IS 2011 SAB installed directory/binaries on another computer


I have installed licensed version of IS 2011 Stand Alone Build on one machine.
Can I copy and use the installed directory '2011 SAB' and its binaries on other computer? If I do so it gives me error 'Invalid Host...'.

What do I need to do if I want to use same directory on other computer? Do I need to get another license and install SAB on that computer also?

Can I have common license so that I can use the installed directory wherever I want without a need to install SAB on each computer?

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(8) Replies
Level 17

Two different licensing models are available for the Standalone Build:

  • Node-locked licensing—With this model, the Standalone Build license is tied and locked to a specific single machine.

  • Concurrent licensing—This model enables sharing or floating of Standalone Build licenses among multiple machines. With this model, you set up a licensing server in your environment, and install the Standalone Build on as many machines as needed. The Standalone Build license is tied to the specific licensing server, and build machines check out a build license from the server when a build is taking place. The licensing server manages how many instances of the Standalone Build can be run simultaneously based on the terms of the concurrent license that is purchased.

It sounds like you are using a node-locked license of the Standalone Build. In this case, the license file cannot be shared among different machines. You would need to obtain a license for each different machine on which you want to use the Standalone Build.
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Level 3

Hi DebbieL,

Thanks for quick reply.

Please guide me step by step to acquire and establish the concurrent licensing for IS 2011.
What are the things I need to set up so that developers in my team need not to worry about IS 2011 SAB licensing?
How to configure licensing server?

0 Kudos
Level 3


I found a PDF which explains about Concurrent Licensing.
As per my understanding the setup can be done in following way:
1) Purchase Concurrent Licensing software for IS 2011 Standalone Build
2) Install the acquired software on machine which will work as Concurrent Licensing Server
3) Once the server is established, IS 2011 Standalone Build can be installed on any other machine using Concurrent Licensing option which will generate ‘System.ini’ file inside the installation directory.
4) Concurrent Licensing Server will have some limited number licenses so that only that many builds can be carried out at the same time
5) While build is going on IS 2011 SAB will check-out the license on server and proceed
6) Each developer need not to have separate license per machine for IS 2011 SAB because licenses are managed at server side only

Could you please confirm my understanding of using Concurrent Licensing?

0 Kudos
Level 17

Yes, that's correct.
0 Kudos
Level 3

The last question I have is:
How licensing for IS 2010 Premier Edition SAB works?
In similar way as of IS 2011, OR it is similar to IS 2008?

0 Kudos
Level 17

InstallShield 2011 is the first release where we started offering concurrent licensing for the Standalone Build. Licensing for the InstallShield 2010 Standalone Build works like the licensing for the InstallShield 2008 Standalone Build.
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Level 3

Hi DebbieL,

We have decided to go for 2011 SAB Concurrent Licensing. Before placing order I want to make some points clear.

Following is my understanding,
1) I will set a concurrent licensing server
2) I will install 2011 SAB on (only) one machine
3) Get the installed directory/binaries, say 'C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2011 SAB', (which will also have 'server.ini') and keep this dir with our Project' source code on some versioning scheme like 'Perforce'.
4) Now whenever any developer from my team syncs the source, he/she will get '2011 SAB' at some source path which is mentioned in our build script.
5) Now whenever that developer starts building installer, 'server.ini' in '2011 SAB' will be used to acquire/lock license from license server if available.
6) Here I assume that no developer will need to install 2011 SAB, the only thing he/she has to do is sync the source code which will give 2011 SAB binaries consequently.

1) Is above understanding correct?
2) Suppose I have 20 SAB licenses and 20 builds are going on at the given time. Now 21st build starts then will that build fail due to inavailability of any more license or is there any waiting period which will wait for some time to get one license freed?

Please resolve my queries so that I can come up with the number of license we need for my team.

Vikas Sonar
0 Kudos
Level 17


The best thing to do when determining the number of licenses you'll need is to speak with a sales representative. Sales can help you sort out the various options and find a deal that best fits your requirements. You contact Sales by filling out the following contact form:

As an alternative, you can call them directly:

I hope that helps.
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