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Level 6

Urgent:-prob with Next Button

I am working on Basic MSI....
i added a custom dialog which contains a check box to decide whether to put shortcuts on the desktop or not.....after selecting check box when I click next button it doesnt proceeds the execution..although i selected the events in behavior view...and condition to flashes error...
can anybody tell me how can i resolve this erro

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We would need to see or have you describe the error to help you solve it.

But to quickly answer what appears to be your issue with the dailogs not proceeding:

This occurs when there are no NewDialog Control events with a true condition. Ensure your NewDialog behaviors are correct and that given any situation, 1 will be true.
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Level 6

I have used only a single Newdialog...there is no other dialog..
i other words my Next button simply doesnot works.....
Can u plz explain in steps how can i make it work..may be that i am missing something ...or i need to add something extra

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