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Level 2

Urgent help with SILENT

Hi All,

i have a critical problem that need to be solved .. so hoping for you assistance.

I'm trying to run my project with silent mode :
java -jar setup.jar -silent

and everything is working fine but ... the install stage doesnt work. it didnt transfer my files packaged in the setup.jar to my destination.

it simply execute the first stage (pre-install) and the third one (post-install).
but the install itself ... dont enter to it.

do there any thing need to do special for the silent mode?
(on not silent- it works fine).

i surely wrote file with all the variables as input while executing. BUT the problem is with transering the files i added before packaging to the installer.

Any Idea ?????????
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(1) Reply
Level 9

You say you have Variables - are you defaulting these variables to a value! What is the default instal location? Are you running this on Windows or Unix? If on Unix, do you have permissions to write to the install location!

What happens if you run the launcher - not using the 'java -jar'

You can add an options file with all values in it:

-P installLoactino="/some/location"
-V VARIABLE="value"

save to a file options.txt

and run:

java -jar setup.jar -options optinos.txt -silent

and see what happens!

You can also run in debug mode by creating a debug file; if your launcher is 'setup.bin', creat a file called setup.sp and add the line 'is.debug=1' . Also - set en ENV variable ismpVV=1 and then run:

setup.bin -is:javaconsole -is:log logfile
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