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Level 2

Upgrade of base msi after two patch's being applied

Hi there,

I created a installer numbered and then was updated by two quick patch's - created in two separate project (Quick Patch):


Now, I trying to create a full update numbered and I keep getting an error saying: "Error 2711 the specified feature name not found in feature table" follow by "fatal error during installation".

I can not understand what I'm doing wrong ??!!!

You help is very much appreciated.

Thanks in advanced.
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(3) Replies
Level 7

Have you tried googling the error message to see what it says is wrong? You make no mention of taking any of the suggested steps to fix this or provide information that would show them to be incorrect such as "I have tried this on more than one machine"
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Level 2


I've tried it on several clean machines and get the same error.

Also tried a minor and major upgrade and nothing.

Thanks in advance for your help
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Level 7

There is insufficient information for a third party to help you on this one. Is the fault definitely related to the patches - does the new version run ok when installing afresh.

What is the feature name it is complaining about, don't tell us - think, have you changed that name, did you manually use the old name anywhere. Search the Direct Editor for instances of that name and do any look odd? InstallShield is notorious for not updating all instances of a variable name.
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