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Level 3

Upgrade does not pop installer warning


i have this issue and m not aware how to fix it.
Whenever i install the latest build of the MSI file over the previous build with the application running,the installation (rather upgrade) takes place without giving a pop up or warning such as " required files in use, please shut down the application for the installation to take place".
I want the warning to pop up.How can i get it done??
Please help.

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(5) Replies
Level 3

What type of project is it? I'm no expert but I think if it's an InstallScript MSI you can customize the OnResumeUIBefore function to see if it's running etc. Or for a plain InstallScript project customize OnUpdateUIBefore. You can call the abort function if your code decides its not safe to do an upgrade.
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Level 3

I am working on Basic Install MSI project.
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Flexera Alumni

The MSI help topic "InstallValidate Action" describes what happens automatically; as a result of the FilesInUse dialog box not being displayed, is your installer prompting for a reboot at the end?
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Level 3

No, my installer does not pronpt for a reboot at the end of the installation.
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Flexera Alumni

MSI displays the in-use dialog box (and, if the user ignores the warning, a reboot dialog box at the end) only if the file is actually going to be replaced (or uninstalled). Perhaps the executable isn't going to be overwritten?
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