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Level 7

Uninstallation problem

I upgrade the product from Installshield12 to Installshield 2010, my Project type is installscript MSI, Installshield IDE -> Installation Information -> Add or Remove progrm -> Disable Remove Button set as NO.

During the installation no issues, At the time of uninstallation when i click the REMOVE option of my product in ADD/REMOVE Program list, it displays the Windows installer Help, please see below attachment file (uninstall.jpg)..

I not able to uninstall the product, I did't face this problem when i build project in Installshield12.

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Level 10 Flexeran
Level 10 Flexeran

This issue is caused by a change to information written to the uninstall key for InstallScript MSI projects between IS 12 and IS 2008. It is highly recommended that a major upgrade be deployed if migrating a project across these versions. As a workaround, you may also try including the code provided in the following article in the OnEnd event in your script:
Q200208: Installscript MSI Minor Upgrade from a Pre InstallShield 12 Install Problems
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