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Level 3

Uninstall Error - valid product not installed

I have basic MSI project for IS 2008. The software installs fine but when I test the shortcut in the start menu, I get this Windows Installer error:

"This action is only valid for products that are currently installed."

The uninstall works fine through the control panel.

Does the 'Key Name' in the uninstall shortcut properties matter? Does that need to match the name of the IS project?

Any info is appreciated and thanks.
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(7) Replies
Flexera Alumni

The key name in the Shortcut shouldn't matter; what are your shortcut properties (target and command line)?
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Level 3

In the Properties of the uninstall shortcut, the Target is:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /x {B573887E-1383-4F09-8B0E-F80DF79CD17E}

Sorry, I don't see a Command box or area.
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Flexera Alumni

The general format looks correct; could it be that the ProductCode in that command line is wrong? Does it work if you manually run that command line in a command prompt window? What are the shortcut properties in your project (in the Shortcuts view)?

(As an aside, some versions of the Windows logo requirements indicate not to create an uninstall shortcut, but instead direct users to the Add or Remove Programs panel...)
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Level 3

Should that code match the Product Code that is in the Product Properties under General Information and Installation Information?

When I run that same command, I get the same error.

In Shortcuts view,

Advertised No
Target [SystemFolder]msiexec.exe

I had this working in version X but I didn't migrate this over but just started over fresh.
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Flexera Alumni

Yes, the product code in the shortcut should match the code in the General Information view; that's how msiexec.exe knows what to remove.

Here's a trick that might help: set your shortcut to run [SystemFolder]msiexec.exe, as you are doing, and set the command-line arguments to:

/x [ProductCode]

That special formatted expression should automatically get the codes to match up.
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Level 3

Great, thanks so much. How did that get changed anyways?
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Level 3

Worked fine, thanks for the help Robert.
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