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Level 6

Uncompress the compressed setup thru command line

Can we uncompress the compressed disk1 data into uncompressed disk1?
We have a requirement like this is because we have created the previous installer as a compressed one. Now we are creating the patch for it, so we require the uncompressed version of that previous installer.
Installer can do it by itself during the creation of the patch but we want some command so that it can be uncompressed thru command prompt for automating the process. Please let us know if any one has any idea about this.
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(3) Replies
Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

You can create an administrative install from the compressed setup.exe. Use a command line such as:
setup.exe /s /a /v"TARGETDIR=C:\MyDir /qn"

You can find further information if you search the InstallShield help for Administrative installation or look up the command line options available.
(If my reply answers a question you have raised, please click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION".)
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Level 6

Sorry for the confusion but my query was some thing different.
Actually I do not want to uncompress it for installation. I want it for giving it as a previous setup for creating the patch.
Problem is that we have created our previous installer in the compressed mode and they are in production now so we can not change the mode of them now.
We have 4 to 5 such previous installer, so we want some command line mechanism for converting the compressed disk1 source into uncompressed disk1 source.
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Level 6

Sorry, my fault again...
Below command works fine for me...
msiexec.exe /a "E:\Compressed\" /qb TARGETDIR="E:\Uncompressed"
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