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Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

Unable to use the Visual Studio 2010 Setup Wizard after installing InstallShield LE

After I installed InstallShield LE on my machine, I'm no longer able to create Visual Stuido Installer Solutions. When I try to run the Setup Wizard I get the following error message:
Microsoft Visual Studio
Not implemented (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004001 (E_NOTIMPL))

If I uninstall InstallShield LE I'm able to run the Setup Wizard, but VS2010 stops responding after I finish the wizard.

Any ideas of how to fix this?

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(7) Replies
Level 10


Could you kindly let us know the exact steps which resulted in the above error message.

Kindly provide us the detailed steps so that we can replicate this issue at our end and investigate further.

0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran


Sure, the scenario is pretty simple, because I just wanted to see if our existing web service setups could be upgraded to InstallShieldLE:
* Install InstallshieldLE and accept and install the immediate update
* Create an empty Solution
- Select "File->New->Project..."
- Select "Other Project Types->Visual Studio Solutions->Blank Solution"
* Add a WCF Service to this solution
- Select "File->Add->New WebSite..."
- Set "Language" to "C#"
- Select "WCF Service"
- Set "Location" to a folder under your solution
* Add a Visual Studio Setup to the solution
- Select "File->Add->New Project..."
- Select "Other Project Types->Setup and Deployment->Setup Wizard"
* This fails on my laptop with the error message in my original post

If I uninstall InstallShield LE, I'm able to complete the Setup Wizard, but VS2010 stops responding after finishing the Wizard. I've also tried to reinstall InstallShield LE, and then I got the same error message again before the Wizard opened.

I have a couple of other machines I can run the same scenario on, but I can't risk corrupting all of my VS2010 installations so I wanted to know if this is a known issue or if I might have done something wrong during installation of InstallShield.

0 Kudos
Level 10


Thank you for providing the detailed steps.

Could you kindly try these steps on a machine which doesn’t have InstallShield Limited Edition Installed.

Kindly let us know if you are coming across the same error message.

0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran


I first created a VS Setup Project using the Setup Wizard on my build server without any problems (I used this to test an upgrade of a web service setup to InstallShield LE).

After installing InstallShield LE I get the same error message as on my laptop when starting the Setup Wizard. I am however able to run the wizard and create new VS setups on my build server after I uninstalled InstallShield LE completely.

0 Kudos
Level 10


I went ahead and did a quick test to replicate the issue. I did not come across the error message which you had encountered.

I have attached the sample project which I had created along with the screenshots.

Kindly review the sample project.

0 Kudos
Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran


I didn't have any problem adding a VS setup to your empty solution, but I think I know what's causing the error. I didn't mention that my solution contained an InstallShield LE installation project also (I was trying to replicate a VS Web setup), and after removing the InstallShiel LE project from the solution I'm not getting the error message anymore.

I've attached a solution that should result an error for you also when you try to add a new VS Setup using the Setup Wizard.

0 Kudos
Level 10


The Visual Studio Installer and the InstallShield Limited Edition product are used for the same purpose.

Hence you may use any one of these products for creating an installer.

You may use the Setup wizard to create the installer through the visual Studio Installer or you may choose to use the InstallShield Limited Edition project.

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