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Level 2

Two same items appears in Install/uninstall panel

We update our setup program from setupA to setupB.Only one file inside the package is different from the previous one.These two package has the same Product code, Product name, version number , package code.....
When I install setupB to a target machine which already has setupA installed,the maintainence interface appeared, no matter I chose to "reinstall" or "modify", the result came out that the new file didn't overwrite its previous version although the whole process was error-free.
I conclude the windows installer called the previous setupA automatically, thus, I changed the package code of setupB, then the msi fiile combined with setupB is called and objective file is overwrited successfully.However, another strange thing occured, in windows Add/Remove panel there are two same entries. Why?
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(3) Replies
Level 4

You have 2 entries because you changed the Product ID of setup B.
Windows treats a New GUID as a new installer. And therefore it thinks that setup A and setup B are different.
You can try and remove both entries via add/remove programs.
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Level 2

Vijay_K wrote:
You have 2 entries because you changed the Product ID of setup B.
Windows treats a New GUID as a new installer. And therefore it thinks that setup A and setup B are different.
You can try and remove both entries via add/remove programs.

Acturally, they have the same Product ID. I'v mentioned that in my problem describiton.
Thanks for your help all the same.
0 Kudos
Level 4

isczsd wrote:
I changed the package code of setupB, then the msi fiile combined with setupB is called and objective file is overwrited successfully.However, another strange thing occured, in windows Add/Remove panel there are two same entries. Why?

I was going on this.... i thought that was the problem. never mind, hope someone helps u
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