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Level 13

Trouble Uninstalling via Suite

Hi, I have several InstallScript MSI projects that I am installing via Suite. I can't seem to get the uninstall to work. I have tried different things for the fields under Package, Operation, Remove. I think I need something like:
Target C:\Program Files(x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}\Setup.exe
EXE Command Line -runfromtemp -l0x0409 -removeonly
As this is what I found in the registry

Also tried
Target MyProgram.exe
EXE Command Line /uninst
Any help would be appreciated!

I have 4 applications (features) that I have named below. Features 2 & 3 are currently installed and 1 & 4 are not.

Here is some info from the Suite log:
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Engine: parsing remaining command line:
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Engine: sending initialize event to UI
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Engine: property 'ISInstallStatus' value now 'IDS_SUITE_INITIALIZING'
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Engine: property 'ISParcelStatus' value now ''
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Engine: property 'ISLanguageList' value now 'IDS_LANGUAGE_10331033'
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: UI DLL: Glass wizard using Wizard97
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: UI DLL: Unknown Wizard.View attribute Transition='true' at 49:74
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Engine: initialization complete
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Engine: determining suite feature states
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Initializing state for feature 'Feature1IsNotInstalled'
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Default action state 0 for mode 1
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Initial feature state: 0
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Final feature state: 0
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Parcel detect state: 0
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Parcel count: 1, detected count: 0
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Initializing state for feature 'Feature2IsInstalled'
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Default action state 0 for mode 1
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Initial feature state: 0
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Final feature state: 0
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Parcel detect state: 1
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Parcel count: 1, detected count: 1
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Initializing state for feature 'Feature3IsInstalled'
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Default action state 0 for mode 1
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Initial feature state: 0
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Final feature state: 0
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Parcel detect state: 1
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Parcel count: 1, detected count: 1
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Initializing state for feature 'Feature4IsNotInstalled'
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Default action state 0 for mode 1
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Initial feature state: 0
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Final feature state: 0
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Parcel detect state: 0
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Parcel count: 1, detected count: 0
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Engine: determining action states for all parcels
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Engine: sending UI selection event to UI
10-15-2015[11:47:55 AM]: Engine: property 'ISCurrentPage' value now 'MaintenanceWelcome'
10-15-2015[11:48:01 AM]: UI DLL: Executing Actions on ID_STRING18.Click
10-15-2015[11:48:01 AM]: UI DLL: Executing action .
10-15-2015[11:48:01 AM]: Engine: property 'ISProgressCaption' value now 'Uninstalling applications'
10-15-2015[11:48:01 AM]: UI DLL: Executing action .
10-15-2015[11:48:01 AM]: Engine: property 'ISProgressSummary' value now 'The applications are being uninstalled.'
10-15-2015[11:48:01 AM]: UI DLL: Executing action .
10-15-2015[11:48:01 AM]: UI DLL: Executing action .
10-15-2015[11:48:01 AM]: UI DLL: Executing action .
10-15-2015[11:48:01 AM]: Engine: property 'ISCurrentPage' value now 'InstallationProgress'
10-15-2015[11:48:06 AM]: UI DLL: Ask Question: Are you sure you want to cancel?
10-15-2015[11:48:08 AM]: Engine: property 'ISInstallStatus' value now 'IDS_SUITE_INTERRUPTED'
10-15-2015[11:48:08 AM]: Engine: property 'ISParcelStatus' value now ''
10-15-2015[11:48:08 AM]: Engine: property 'ISCurrentPage' value now 'InstallationComplete'
10-15-2015[11:48:09 AM]: UI DLL: Shutting down
10-15-2015[11:48:09 AM]: Original exit status: 0x80070642, final exit status: 0x00000642
10-15-2015[11:48:09 AM]: State manager: removing staging files from: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}\
10-15-2015[11:48:09 AM]: State manager: removing state info
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(3) Replies
Level 13

Got it to work in Suite as follows:
Organization, Packages,Operation, Remove
Target - C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information\{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}\Setup.exe
EXE Command Line - /uninst

However, I have not figured out how to get rid of the popup "Are you sure you want to completely remove 'xxxxx' and all of its features?"

This is easily done for a Basic MSI package or an MSI package. Does anybody know of a way to do it for an InstallScript MSI Setup.exe package? I do have access to the InstallScript MSI packages and could modify them.

Thanks for any ideas!
0 Kudos
Level 13

Don't have it working in OnUninstall event.
Public properties are not available.
Anybody have any ideas?
0 Kudos
Level 13

Using a response file is not a good choice because that does not remove the program from the ARP screen. Of course one could delete the registry keys for that... but that is even worse because then the Suite still thinks the package is installed!

Running the uninstall twice with the response file does get it removed from the ARP screen... but that's not a good solution 😞

Edit 10/29/2015:
Figured out how to get rid of Confirmation pop up and Finish screen. Need to use the -uninst option to Setup.exe (to get rid of entry in ARP). Then also need to bring in OnUinstall event and edit to remove those things. It works out in my case because ONUninstall only gets executed with -uninst and I only use -uninst in Suite, so no need to check if this is done from Suite.
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