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Transform Creation

Hi All,,

How it's possible to create a tranform from installShield 2008.Is Tuner Needed ?

I am trying to create a transform from an Msi.I have a base Msi.I used to browse that msi and specified the create response check box .But after wards I am getting an error like this.

'InstallShield cannot open C:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\My Transform Name-3.Mst. Please contact Macrovision technical support for more information. '

No Tuner in my machine.

Could anyone please suggest me to find out a solution for this problem.

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Flexera Alumni

Are you going through File > New > Windows Installer (tab) > Transform, and running the Open Transform Wizard? Does it work for a normal (non-response) transform? Is that directory and .mst file name writable?
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