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Level 2

Tomcat issue


I'm a newbie and I would like to check if tomcat is already installed and if it is the correct version. If it is not installed I would like to install it. How can I do this for all operating systems that installshield multiplatform supports?
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(3) Replies
Level 2

anyone please help? 😞
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Level 4

This is a tough one to answer because of how people install Tomcat. On Windows, if you're lucky you will get this information from the registry:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat\5.5]
"InstallPath"="C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Tomcat 5.5"

On UNIX, good luck. You will have to ask for Tomcat's location.
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Level 16

It is always quite arbitrary when deciding what resource to key off for a system search. Personally I've keyed off of:


I chose this because in order for Tomcat to be running the service has to exist.
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