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Suite install - warning message if package is not eligible for install

I have a suite install that includes an Eligibility Condition for JRE for one of the component packages. This works fine and the package does not get installed from the suite if JRE is not present. All good so far.

Is there any way to pop-up a warning message to the User if the package fails to install because of this condition? At the moment this all happens silently.
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If this isn't possible now I think it would be a useful enhancement to have. Its already possible to set a message to be displayed for an Exit condition in a suite install. It would just be an extension of that same functionality.

I did think of creating a suite secondary window dialog which can be displayed by a call to "DoModal". However I'm not sure how I could trigger its display from an eligibility condition.
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Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

In the general case it's not a problem for a package to be inelegible. For example, it's common to include multiple variants of a redistributable, each of which eligible only on certain OS versions or certain architectures; similarly even the main package may have two variants, one for x86 and one for x64. As such, we won't generally inform the end user if a package is ineligible.

There are two general routes forward for the scenario I think you're describing, which sounds like it includes a package that depends on another. One is to include a Package Eligible condition in the "main" package's Eligible condition that requires the "dependency" package to be eligible. This approach is useful if you want to disable part of your suite in these scenarios, but allow the rest to install. The other approach is to include the same check as an Exit Condition. This is useful if there's nothing left in your suite that's worth installing, and thus should be informed the suite cannot be installed.
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