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Level 7

Storing a varible in the vpd for use by other products


Is it possible to store a variable in the vpd registry that is not bound to any particular product? We have multiple products using the same installer framework and we want the first one that is installed to set a global "HOME" variable in the registry for use by other products that may be installed afterwards.

Thanks in advance.
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Level 7

rmackay wrote:

Is it possible to store a variable in the vpd registry that is not bound to any particular product? We have multiple products using the same installer framework and we want the first one that is installed to set a global "HOME" variable in the registry for use by other products that may be installed afterwards.

Thanks in advance.

Global persisted variable setting.

I guess they want to encourage people to figure things out on their own.

This must be the crappiest user forum ever. Most at least have support guys answering the easy questions.
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Level 3

The problem with Global Persistent variables is that they get uninstalled alongside the product they are associated with... so you cannot rely on the variable staying there forever (if you uninstall the first product then the others will no longer have access to the variable).
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Level 7

from what I have seen, the global persistant variable, if defined across all the products that use it, will stick around until the last of those products have been removed.
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Level 3

But if you defined it in all the products, when you launch the installer the variable would be updated with the value defined in that product installer, or wouldn't it?
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Level 7

In our case, we do not update the variable with every installation. The first installation creates it when it is not there and the other installations access it.
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