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Level 4

Standard user can install, but not uninstall

I've created a data installer that a regular user can run. I've set the Required Execution Level to "Invoker," and I've refrained from adding any registry keys in HKLM. The uninstall key now goes under HKCU in the registry. While testing, I've found that I can install the product without any trouble, but I cannot uninstall. This is a problem, because I can't uninstall. It requests an admin password. When I enter the admin password, I get an error indicating that no version of the product is installed. "The setup has detected that no version of is installed. The specified command-line operations require that the application be installed to continue. The application will now terminate."

As the regular user, I checked the HKCU area of the registry. The product key is there, under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\.

What is the problem? Why does it think the application is not installed?

Does it have something to do with the fact that I had to enter an admin password? After that, does it look in the Admin's HKCU area of the registry? If that is the case, then I understand why it can't find it, because it isn't there. How can I make this so that regular users can BOTH install and uninstall?
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Level 4

The installer version was, but changing it to 1.0.0 made no difference. It still requires an admin password, and then fails to uninstall with the error pictured.

The only way to remove it is to delete the files manually, and then while logged in as the regular user that installed it, open regedit and delete the uninstall key under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\.

I could write an installscript function to perform the manual actions, but I'm pretty sure it will still ask me for an admin password. How can I allow non-admins to uninstall?
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