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Level 7

StandAlone build and SQLRTInitialize

I have an InstallScript MSI project that builds and installs without error on my local machine.

I have now moved this over to a dedicated build machine that has IS12 and IS2008 StandAlone installs presnt.

When I build on the standalone environment, I am getting errors:

D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(656) : error C8025: 'SQLRTInitialize2' : undefined identifier
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(662) : error C8025: 'SQLRTGetConnections' : undefined identifier
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(662) : error C8041: '(' : function type required
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(682) : error C8025: 'SQLRTGetConnectionInfo' : undefined identifier
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(683) : error C8025: 'SQLRTGetConnectionAuthentication' : undefined identifier
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(683) : error C8041: '(' : function type required
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(691) : error C8025: 'SQLRTPutConnectionInfo2' : undefined identifier
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(692) : error C8025: 'SQLRTPutConnectionAuthentication' : undefined identifier
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(694) : error C8025: 'SQLRTTestConnection2' : undefined identifier
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(694) : error C8041: '(' : function type required
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(1588) : error C8025: 'g_bSQLRTInitialized' : undefined identifier
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(1627) : error C8025: 'SQLRTGetServers2' : undefined identifier
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(1627) : error C8041: '(' : function type required
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(1774) : error C8025: 'SQLBrowse2' : undefined identifier
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(1774) : error C8041: '(' : function type required
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(1776) : error C8088: 'endif' : not inside if statement
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(1872) : error C8025: 'SQLDatabaseBrowse' : undefined identifier
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(1872) : error C8041: '(' : function type required
D:\InstallShield 2008 Projects\Blue Chip\Script Files\Setup.Rul(1874) : error C8088: 'endif' : not inside if statement
Setup.inx - 19 error(s), 0 warning(s)
ISDEV : error -4370: There were errors compiling InstallScript

I have searched the system and ISSQLSRV.dll is present on the system in "C:\Program Files\Macrovision\IS 2008 StandaloneBuild" and "C:\Program Files\Macrovision\IS12".

Why am I getting the compile errors on the standalone machine only?
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(2) Replies
Level 17

Those are the new functions introduced in IS 2008. Please make sure that you are using IS 2008 StandAlone Build, not IS 12 to build the project.
0 Kudos
Level 7

Thanks. The finalbuilder project settings were still pointing at IS12.
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