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Level 4

Single file Setup.exe as release

Am using Basic MSI Project of InstallShield 2008 Professional.

I have few dlls in my installer, that need to be copied to the target system.

All i want is the release to be a single file setup.exe.

so that i can distribute this on CD and also i can put this on web, so that endusers can download and install..

The total size of all the files comes to 30MB only.

Please provide me with step by step details.

I tried the " Install Type " option in the release view.. but it is giving me single exe.
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Flexera Alumni

The easiest way to create a single setup.exe might be to use the Project Assistant tab, open the Build Installation page, and select the Single Executable type.

(There are some considerations about maintenance and repair with a single setup.exe, where you might want to use the Release Wizard to specify a cache directory.)
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