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Level 3

Silently deploy an administrative install in Vista

Hi All,

Our current setup works fine in XP/Windows 2003 systems both from the setup.exe and via an administrative install.

Administrators can create a batch file to deploy it silently rather easily.

In Vista, if you have the ability to "Run As Administrator" via the right-click on the exe (be it the setup.exe or msiexec.exe) you can install without issue.

However, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to create a batch file that will allow our clients to deploy a silent install with "Run As Administrator" rights for a Vista machine.

So, is there a way via a batch file that one can install either the setup.exe or an administrative install (MSI) silently with "Run As Administrator" rights?

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

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(1) Reply
Level 3

try this one:

SdShowMsg ("Registering system files", TRUE);
szApp = "cmd.exe";
Sprintf( szCmdLine, "/c \"%s\" /min", SRCDIR ^ "Register.bat" );
nRes = LaunchAppAndWait( szApp, szCmdLine, LAAW_OPTION_HIDDEN );
MessageBox ("szCmdLine="+szCmdLine+"", INFORMATION);
if ( nRes < 0 ) then
// Address the error
SdShowMsg ("Registering system files", FALSE);
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