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Level 4

Silent installer without CommandLine?


I want my installer to run silently.
This can be done by running the setup.exe with the "/s /v /qn" qualifiers.
Can this be done without using the commandline? (meaning, running "setup.exe" silently, with no additional parameters)

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(4) Replies
Level 10

In the Releases view you can set parameters to pass to the MSI (like /qn, which you don't need the /v), but you'd still have to pass the /s to the setup.exe itself.
0 Kudos
Level 4

DanGalender wrote:
In the Releases view you can set parameters to pass to the MSI (like /qn, which you don't need the /v), but you'd still have to pass the /s to the setup.exe itself.

First, thanks!
So you're saying that there is no way to run the setup.exe silently without command line parameters?
Can I made any changes to the .ISM itself in order to achive this?
(I know that with InstallScript project, I can set the CMDLINE parameter in the project itself. Anything like with Basic MSI?)
0 Kudos
Level 6

Hi Friend,
in the property manager kepp the varible "LIMITUI" and the value of the varible is "1"

After this once you press the the .msi file ,it will install the application with out having any UI.

Please let me know is this help ful or not.

0 Kudos
Level 4

I'l definitely try this out!
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