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Level 2

Silent installation of InstallShield in a Docker container

Dear support,

I have a question about the silent installation of InstallShield Standalone Builder. And particular an installation in a Docker container which is based on 4.8-windowsservercore-ltsc2019.
We are working to containerize all our build vm’s in Docker containers.

I use the command below for silent installation:
/InstallShieldStandaloneBuild.exe /s /v"/qn"

This works for:

But is not working for “InstallShield2012SpringSP1StandaloneBuild.exe” (where the InstallShieldPrereqs_dotnet.exe is in the same source installation folder).
This silent installation command does work on a vm with a regular Windows Server 2019 Standard 1809.
So in my opinion it should work on a most recent OS.

I know 2012SpringSP1 is on EOL for a long time but I just want to know if you can help me with a direction to investigate the issue here. Give me possible debug solutions like creating an installation log.
I can’t find the option for this.

The folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2012SpringSP1 SAB\System” is available after the silent IS 2012 installation within a Docker container. But the command IsCmdBld.exe is not giving any response.

With kind Regards,



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(3) Replies
Level 5 Flexeran
Level 5 Flexeran

Hi @rheinen,

Can you please check if the required prerequisites for InstallShield 2012SpringSP1 are installed.
Use the following command inside the container to list all the installed products: wmic product get name 

Also, if its not installed then can you please try to manually install the required prerequisites for 2012SpringSP1, and then try to run IsCmdBld.exe. 


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In a normal WS2019 vm it worked with and without using the prereqs installer:
InstallShieldPrereqs_dotnet.exe /s /v"/qn"
InstallShield2012SpringSP1StandaloneBuild.exe /s /v"/qn"

wmic product get name :
InstallShield 2012 Spring Prerequisites for .NET
Microsoft Azure CLI
InstallShield 2012 Spring SP1 Standalone Build
Google Update Helper


In the Docker container the output of "wmic product get name" is
InstallShield 2012 Spring Prerequisites for .NET

But there is a folder named C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\2012SpringSP1 SAB\system
And there is execute names IsCmdBld.exe
But the executable is not working.

Where can I find the prereq for InstallShield2012SpringSP1StandaloneBuild ?



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Level 2

I had similar issue and seemed to have gotten around it by installing InstallShield2012SpringSP1StandaloneBuild on the host OS first. Once installed on the host, I was able to successfully install it into the container.

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