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Level 2

Silent Mode and Custom Dialogs


I have a really involved custom control that I have create that allows the choice of multiple product types to be chosen from a ComboBox. For each choice a Serial number can be entered (JTextbox). The client clicks an "Add" Button to initiate the check. The logic then determines validity of the serial number and set a variable that is later read by the "assembly" to decide whether or not that module gets installed.

All this is implemented within a custom control that can be dropped upon a dialog panel during designtime.

Thanks for your help, I found the answer.
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Level 3

Use the generateOptionsEntries method. You will be passed an ISOptionsContext. Use this to determine if you are in template or record mode.

This is from a standard Destination panel:
[CODE] /**
* Called when panel is displayed in console mode when "options-record" or
* "options-template" command line option is used.
public void generateOptionsEntriesDestination(ISOptionsContext context) {

String value = null;
String option = null;
String panelId = context.getPanel().getName();
Vector optionEntries = context.getOptionEntries();

try {

ProductService pService =

if (context.getValueType() == WizardBean.TEMPLATE_VALUE) {
value =
else {
value = getInstallDestination(pService);
option = "-P installLocation=\"" + value + "\"";

String productName = context.resolveString("$P(displayName)");
String title =
new String[] { productName });
String doc =

new OptionsTemplateEntry(title, doc, option));

catch (ServiceException e) {
context.getServices().logEvent(this, Log.ERROR, e);
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