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Level 4

Reg file loads into the place

My installer has the distributions set to the 4 64-bit windows installer types (nothing else) and I am using a .reg file to make updates to the registry. Unfortunately, the registry file makes all it's updates into SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\MyProject instead of SOFTWARE\MyProject.

Here is a bit of the .reg file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00






So I'm not sure why it is registering into WOW6432Node, is there anyway to disable this from happening?
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Level 4

Is there a way to set a reg file to register as 64-bit?

I've even tried to command line add the entries into the registry using system32/reg.exe but every time it is still registering under Wow6432Node, which doesn't make sense since the installer is supposed to be a 64-bit installer (AMD64 type) generated by ISMP.

Ways referenced reg.exe that made entries into Wow6432Node
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